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  • Hannah Fraser Blog


It has been such a pleasure to be back working and educating alongside Song Company. As residents at the Gondwana National Choral school we rehearsed and workshopped intensively over two weeks for our gala performance which took place on Friday 18 January. Thank you for those who joined us in the incredible music making. The more creative minds in a room the better the product. Finding a unified direction and sound enabled us to perform as one. Our beautiful program was carefully selected by our director Antony Pitts. Please see below for some photographs of our time at UNSW.

We've just finished Day Three of Song Co Lab 2018 and Day Four of our residency withGondwana National Choirs National Choral School - where Antony is leading the Composer School (the ensemble will workshop and record the fruits of their labours next week) and our singers are working with small consorts from Gondwana Chorale to develop and fine tune their ensemble skills.

Halfway through the first #SongCoLab of 2018, and our residency at Gondwana National Choirs' National Choral School, with Ross Edwards and this year's Composer School led by our Artistic Director Antony Pitts. Ross showed us the beginnings of a new commission from him which we will be touring later this year in ONE-EQUAL-MUSIC:

Teaching and learning how to read these incredible Dow Part Books.

Our Song Company performance of Ruth McCall's Waltzing Matilda. #lunchtimemusic

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